Monday, July 09, 2007


Zomg! Mr fox has finaly sent me an invitation to the blog! :D

Bout time mr Nik. Byt he way, my uncles girlfriend thought you were hot ;) ... Sorry scotty nothing was said about you. I think you need to do some more sit ups or somehting.

Kool, im a blogger now. Bi all

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Track closed

The AIS track is supposed to now be closed to everybody, so the idea that we could train on the polevault runways has amounted to jack shitsu. Supposed to take 10 weeks for the work to be completed.

Scott has proposed that we swap a couple of sessions to deal with da sitchiyayshun. The 'complex' session (basically med-ball, plyo and running) will move to Wednesday, and pole runs can be done on Saturday somewhere. Saturdays could also involve road trips to Campbelltown. If four of us go, then the petrol cost for each of us will be pretty low.

We should pick somewhere to do this kind of stuff. There's some ovals at the mint that are OK and reasonably central, but not sure where Angus lives and Scott's moving to Belco so maybe somewher else will be better?

The next month or so I'm gonna be flat out at school, so my training commitments may be reduced a bit.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Where's Scott At?

Hi Guys,

Ive had interesting week, Emily and I had an offer excepted on a house. Can't believe the pace of everything that involves so my hands have been a litle full. Secondly I go on school camp tomorrow till friday. And if that doesn't complicate matters enough my phone was also stollen hence the blog post.
I'm using a old phone and don't have anyones number so if everyone could sent me a text or drop your number under this post it would be much appreciated lads.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Training schedule

Hi all Nick and I trained yesterday mourning and will possibly be getting together at my place to discuss training progs.
Anyway this will be my movements this week:
Monday: 4pm @ regatta
Tuesday: Weights TBA
Wednesday: Vault/run @ AIS 4pm
Thursday: Gymnastics @ Holder 8pm
Friday: Rest/cardio
Saturday: ssabs(super sonic ars burning session) ask me i know! @ AIS 10am
Sunaday: Rest/Cardio
this will be edited once Nick and i discuss more structured stuff.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance.

We should plan. I suggest checking out the article posted below. It's a bit general, so we'll have to come up with work to suit their suggested phases.

At the moment I think I'll be doing 2 or 3 whole body workouts per week in the ANU gym. Gymnastics once per week. Some various types of running, probably 1 or 2 times a week, maybe more but depends on how much spare time I'll have. Wouldn't mind rock-climbing once a week. I have a bunch of stretching and rehab stuff to do each day too.

I haven't actually compared the above to the periodised plan, so I'm yet to see if it'll fit.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Periodised training for Jumpers

Just downloaded a PDF here from the IAAF site. It has info on training for jumpers including pole vault. Just looked at it briefly - it looks useful.

Monday, December 04, 2006

New Box for Pole Runs built!

Thats right folks, just like the old days, we now have some pine board and a bunch of wood held together with nails and glue that we can use to practice our plants and pole runs. Made from the finest materials that I could find in my back shed, the unveiling will be this afternoon at the track, round 5ish.

No warranty given for any injury, death, injustice or sexually transmitted disease that results from the use of the new PoleVault Plantinator Slide board 2006(tm).

I will probably leave it at the track from now on, in the shed.